To open the profile management page, click the Profiles tab in the Quality manager window.
A quality manager configuration profile is used to select the rules to verify during the analysis and to define their scope and activation scope. You can also select the expansion plugins to enable.
List of configuration profiles.
Profiles are displayed over two columns, specifying the profile name and version number.
The version number is used to detect profile modifications. If a project has been analyzed with profile version "n" and if the profile is changed to version "n+1", the analyzer knows that all data are potentially inconsistent relative to the configuration and will automatically force the analysis of all programs, even if they have not been modified.
Multiple-selection list.
Note: you can select or deselect several non-consecutive profiles by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the left mouse button.
Context-sensitive menus
Profile list
New profile
This option opens the profile creation dialog box.
It is only available if you possess *ADM_QUAL rights.
This option opens a dialog box allowing you to modify the selected profiles.
It is only available if you possess *ADM_QUAL rights.
This option lets you delete the selected profiles.
It is only available if you possess *ADM_QUAL rights.
The system requests confirmation before deleting.
Rule parameters
This option opens a dialog box allowing you to configure the profile (enable or disable a rule, definition of rule exception severity, rule configuration and application scope).
This is the menu's default option, it is activated by double-clicking the line.
This option refreshes the list.
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