The Quality manager enables you to continuously analyze the quality of Adelia program source code. It is provided with a set of standard quality metrics and rules, that can be expanded via user plugins.
The Quality manager is designed to integrate transparently with the SONAR quality management platform.
This tool enables you to:
Group programs by project.
Manage a set of user expansions (rules and metrics analyzed by an expansion program).
Manage different configuration profiles - enable or disable user plugins, quality rules, definition of rule configuration (e.g.: rule trigger threshold value), etc.
Measure the quality of Adelia source code according to a set of predetermined rules and metrics.
Present the results in a simplified summary status report.
Transparently integrate quality data into the SONAR repository.
Project quality data analysis can be triggered from the command line, thus allowing this operation to be run automatically via a task scheduler:
- Command line analysis via the Adelia "adelqual" tool.
- Command line analysis via SONAR integration.
Finally, the quality rule violation check in the Adelia program generator, which enables standard Adelia verification/generation information, anomaly or error messages to be completed, can be paired with messages associated with user plugin quality rule violations.
Important note: To access the Quality manager configuration or analysis tool, the software engineer, must possess the following rights:
- *ADM_QUAL: authorizes quality manager administration operations (register plugin, project and configuration profile definition, program exclusion list definition).
- *PROD_QUAL: authorizes project analysis execution.
All software engineers can view quality data.
The Quality manager main window displays a tabbed box with the following briefly presented tabs:
Projects tab: List of project (a project is a set of programs associated with a quality rule configuration profile).
Profiles tab: List of quality manager rule configuration profiles.
Plugins tab: List of plugins (user expansions) registered in the Adelia environment.
Exclusions tab: List of programs excluded from the Quality manager. The programs in this list will not be analyzed if referenced in a project.
- Generator tab: Configuration for integrating the quality rule check into the Adelia generator.
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