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Adelia provides a command line tool to trigger project analysis. This tool schedules the analysis to run outside of business hours, without the need to keep an interactive Windows session or Adelia job manager open.


The command line syntax is as follows:



Where the parameters are:


Name of the Adelia environment.


Name of the project to analyze.


Forces the analysis of all programs (optional). By default, only modified programs are analyzed if the quality manager configuration has not been modified.


Creates the compile jobs for the analyzed programs (optional).


Used to specify an output file for the analysis report (optional). By default, the report is displayed on the standard output.



- The create_objects option creates the Adelia compile jobs. These jobs are performed by the Adelia job manager. The job manager must therefore be left running in order to be able to compile the programs in parallel to the analysis.

- It is also possible to analyze the project by SONAR integration.

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