To open the program exclusion management page, click the Exclusions tab in the Quality manager window.
Some programs can be excluded from quality manager analyses. This is useful, for example to avoid taking obsolete and non-generated programs kept in the repository for reference purposes.
If a program is excluded from the analysis, it is shown for reference purposes in the "Number of excluded programs" metric on the quality data display. In the case of a SONAR analysis, however, it is not included in the repository.
List of excluded programs.
The programs are displayed over three columns, indicating program name, type and description.
Multiple-selection list.
Note: you can select or deselect several non-consecutive projects by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the left mouse button.
Context-sensitive menus
Exclusion list
This option opens a dialog box that lets you select the programs to exclude from the analysis.
It is only available if you possess *ADM_QUAL rights.
This option removes the selected programs from the exclusion list.
It is only available if you possess *ADM_QUAL rights.
The system requests confirmation before removal.
This option refreshes the list.
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