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This page is where you select the ActiveX control. If you want to integrate an ActiveX control that has already been integrated, recompile the files or simply create a basic graphical object, you must select an existing information file.


The required choices are explained in the steps below:

  1. You must choose the integration directory. This is a working directory that contains all the files generated during the integration process. 
    You can enter an information file's name and path directly in the input field. 
    The Browse button lets you select an existing directory and file, or create a new directory.

  2. If the directory contains information (*.INF) files generated by the wizard, those files are added to the combo box, which also contains a <No files> option. If the directory contains just one information file, it is selected automatically; otherwise, the combo box shows the <No files> option. 
    This file is required in order to recompile existing source files, or simply to create a basic object in Adelia environments. It is particularly useful if you need to integrate a particular ActiveX control more than once with slightly different options. 
    If you want to reintegrate an ActiveX control without an associated information file, you must select <No files>.

  3. You must choose the ActiveX control that you want to integrate. If an information file has been selected, the corresponding ActiveX control is selected automatically. 
    The combo box contains all the ActiveX controls saved on the computer. 
    It may take a few seconds to load, during which time the box is disabled. If the required ActiveX control does not appear in the list, it has probably not been saved, or the save operation may have been unsuccessful. 
    For information on saving ActiveX controls on a computer, refer to the control's installation documentation. It is also possible to run the RegSvr32.exe utility from a command session.
    The correct syntax is: REGSVR32 "ActiveXFileNamePath". The quotes are necessary if the path contains any spaces.

  4. You must specify the correspondences between the OLE Automation types and the types available in Visual Adelia language, where more than one choice is possible. These are the default correspondences, although you can change them for individual method parameters or properties. For example, the OLE Automation DATE type can contain a date, a time, or both. You must therefore set the types on a case-by-case basis in the following pages.  
    The list also contains a Propagate column that determines how these correspondences will be used. It is possible to propagate to all occurrences of a particular type in the object's properties and methods, or just to occurrences whose method parameters and properties have not been modified. For example, if you have set the ALPHA(80) Adelia type for the BSTR type and have configured a particular property as an ALPHA(10) type on the following page, you may want to adjust the table of correspondences by setting the entire object as an ALPHA(50) rather than an ALPHA(80) while keeping the modified property as an ALPHA(10), in which case, you should only propagate to unmodified occurrences.  

    If no information files have been selected, the correspondences shown are those proposed by the wizard. Otherwise, the displayed correspondences are those stored in the file, as selected during a previous integration procedure. 

    If you are not integrating an ActiveX control - i.e. if you are compiling files or creating a basic graphical object - the correspondences are non-modifiable. Otherwise, a context-sensitive menu is available, which lets you display the correspondence proposed by the wizard or in the information file for the selected line.



Click Next to move on to the next step defined on the first page. This button is not enabled unless you have entered a valid working directory, selected an ActiveX control, and selected an information file if you are not integrating an ActiveX control.

The Report button is only enabled if errors were detected during the analysis of the selected ActiveX control's type library. This analysis is performed when the Next button is clicked, if you intend to integrate an ActiveX control.


 Click here for more information on the correspondences between OLE Automation types and Adelia types.



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