To add a comment to a message, select the Comment option in the context-sensitive menu for the Translation Manager's Messages tab.
This dialog box lets you assign a comment to a selected message; this comment is independent of the translation language.
If several messages have been selected in the list in the Messages tab, the dialog boxes that let you add comments to the messages are opened consecutively.
You can use the Modify and Cancel buttons to update message comments in sequence.
You can stop the message commenting sequence by clicking the active dialog box's Close Alt + F4).
icon (keyboard shortcut:
Data displayed
Level 1
Level 2
These fields represent the first- and second-level message text to which a comment is to be assigned.
Data input
Comment associated with the message.
This description must be no more than 250 characters long.
Validates the comment and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without validating any changes.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.