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This tab presents the component dependencies on other components.

It is only visible for a Programs/Classes-type component.


It may be useful to define a dependency on another component when one of the component's objects uses an object from the other component (e.g. a program call, using a class or error message).
These dependencies between components result in dependencies between artifacts generated by building these components.



This list presents the current component's dependencies on other components.

The following are displayed for each dependency:

  • The name of the dependency component,
  • Its type (Messages or Pgm/Classes),
  • Iits location: Client or Server or Client/Server or To be derived,
  • The description of the dependency component,
  • The dependency version, corresponding to that of the artifacts used to define the dependencies with the artifacts generated by the latest build of the current components,
  • The current version of artifacts generated by the latest build of the dependency component.


A difference between the dependency version and the current one of a dependency indicates that the current component needs a new build in order for its new artifacts to depend on the latest version of the dependent artifacts.


A Client-type dependency location means that the user wishes to define dependencies between client-generated compatible platform artifacts only.


A Server-type dependency location means that the user wishes to define dependencies between server-generated compatible platform artifacts only.


A Client/Server- type dependency location means that the user wishes to define dependencies between client and server-generated compatible platform artifacts only.


A To be derived-type dependency location means that the user lets the build determine the dependencies between the artifacts using generation information (calls between programs, use of classes and error messages). After the current component build, this location becomes Client (derived), Server (derived) or Client/Server (derived) type and will be recalculated at each new build.



A derived dependency location can be incorrect due to a lack of information.

Dynamic program calls (via the CALL &Variable instruction) do not allow dependencies to be derived.


This list's contextual menu enables dependencies to be added and removed, like the two buttons below the list.


Alternate ascending and descending sorting in each column is obtained by clicking on them.




This button opens a dialog box for adding dependencies to the component.



This button removes the selected dependencies from the list.

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