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To display, create or modify the general characteristics of an installation in the repository, you must do one of the following:

Note: To access the Modify and Details options, you must first select an installation in the list. The available option will be either Modify or Details, depending on the user's authorities:

Modify If the user has write authority for the *INSTAL authority at Repository level. Additionally, only the installation owner or software engineers with modification authorities will have access to this option.
Details If the user is not the installation owner or does not have modification authorities.


Data entry


Installation name.

This name must be a valid installation name (as defined by IBM), and unique within the environment.

Length: 15 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.



Description clearly identifying the installation.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.



Version level of the installation.

Length: 10 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Product name

Extended installation name used in the installation and update program.

This name need not be unique – it can be useful to have two copies of an installation: one in installation mode and another in update mode.

It is even essential to have the same product name for each version of an application if you want to run an update, either automatically or manually, because this is the name used to identify the application in the system.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Provider (Mobile only)

Application provider name, used in the installation and update program for Mobile programs.

The Windows Mobile installer generates automatically an installation name based on the provider and product name. The application will be installed on the Mobile workstation as "Provider ProductName".

This data only appears with Adelia Mobile Studio type installations.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Installation program image

Path of the image (.BMP file) used in the installation program. If this field is left blank, a default Adelia image will be inserted in the installation wizard.

Length: 255 characters maximum.


Start menu item

Title of the Start menu item to be created for the shortcuts that will be specified for the variant. This property can be modified in the shortcut manager window of the Installation program creation wizard.

If this field is left blank, the installation program will take the installation's concatenated product name and version by default.

Length: 50 characters maximum.


Radio buttons


Program type to be created for the installation.

Possible values:

"Visual Adelia"

Full installation program or update.
The list associated with this field is used to specify whether you wish a full or an update installation program.

"Adelia Web Studio"

.war installation program.

"Adelia Mobile Studio"

Full installation program or update for Mobile applications.

The list associated with this field is used to specify whether you wish a full or an update installation program.

Default: "Visual Adelia".



- With effect from version 11 of Adelia Studio, the full installation and update programs for Visual Adelia applications no longer require the Adelia Studio runtime to be installed first. In addition, they enable all the runtime files to be included in the installation package. The files are then copied to the install directory.

- An existing installation type cannot be modified.

- For an Adelia Web Studio installation, the installation program image is used only for a Windows-type Server variant.

- For an Adelia Mobile Studio installation, the image is not used.

- If the Mobile application is being built, its update is limited: you cannot add new components to the application without making their uninstallation impossible.

The update program only allows to replace files and run customized processes at the end of the installation.




This button opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select an image file (.BMP) for the Installation program image field.



This button opens a dialog box displaying information on the current installation, such as the name of the software engineer-owner, and the dates and times of creation and modification.



This button opens a dialog box that lets you enter a comment text, which will be associated with the current installation.


Enter/Create/Modify (validation)

Pressing the Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

Pressing the Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box.

The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the installation definition is updated; if not, an error message is displayed.



Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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