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Module configuration

The JEELoginModule is used to delegate the validation of credentials to the JEE container.


Extract from wagon.xml file:



<realm name="adelia" loginModuleName="JEELoginModule" className="" />


          <loginModule name="JEELoginModule" className="">


                <item key="maxLoginAttempts" value="5" />






User and role configuration is defined in the JEE container setup.

protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + context + "/security/JEELoginServlet








-1 by default


Maximum number of credential entry information characters displayed.




This optional parameter is automatically determined in most configurations. In the case of a cluster configuration with front-end server which is not re-entrant and therefore accessible from the application server, it is advisable to specify the web container IP ( and the web container port.


A front-end server listens on port 80 in front of a firewall

The web container listens on port 8080

The firewall does not authorise requests to the front-end IP from the web container

The url is therefore:


If the /security/JEELoginServlet resource is protected in the JEE sense, it is possible to pass connection info. to this URL and protect it with RSA encryption.


N.B. : it is possible to indicate an optional "substituteValues" attribute (boolean type, default value: false) in the "parameters" element.

If this attribute is present and equal to "true", the ${VARIABLE} syntax will be replaced in the parameters value ("value" attribute of "item" elements) by the value of the "VARIABLE" Java system property if it is defined (e.g. via -DVARIABLE=value on the Java command line).

The value remains the same if the system property does not exist.


In the following example:

<parameters substituteValues="true">

<item key="tempDir" value="${}" />



The "tempDir" parameter will be replaced at execution by the path of the machine's temporary directory.


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