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Adelia Build

Application area-based build is part of a broader continuous integration approach (managed by Jenkins for example).

It is used to generate all the programs from one or several environment application areas and, from the binaries produced, to create versioned artifacts that will be stored in a repository via a delivery manager (Nexus for example).

We also provide Gradle script templates for you to build your application from artifacts stored in your repository and Adelia runtime components available on the Hardis delivery manager.

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Visual/Web Language


  • ENCRYPT and DECRYPT instructions have been added to encrypt and decrypt data using different encryption algorithms (DES, RC2, RC4, AES, RSA, etc.).
    To use this functionality at the AS/400 end, the user needs to be at PTF A008 level of the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 13.

  • The SPLIT_STRING instruction has been added to split a string into substrings in a list according to separator characters.

    To use this functionality at the AS/400 end, the user needs to be at PTF A008 level of the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 13.

  • The SCAN_REPLACE instruction has been added to replace all occurrences of a search string with a replacement string.

  • The VaToolBxJavaDecodeURL function has been added to decode a URL (uniform representation of special characters in characters which are specific to the specified encoding).

  • The VaToolBxOpenFile function can now create files without BOM for UTF-8 or Unicode encoding.

  • In the generation report and debugger source, a comment line has been added indicating the end of the code inserted by a management rule.

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iSeries language

  1. ENCRYPT and DECRYPT instructions have been added to encrypt and decrypt data using different encryption algorithms (DES, RC2, RC4, AES, RSA, etc.).
    To use this functionality the version of Adelia Studio 13 in the AS/400 section must be PTF A008.

  2. The SPLIT_STRING instruction has been added to split a string into substrings in a list according to separator characters.
    To use this functionality the version of Adelia Studio 13 in the AS/400 section must be PTF A008.

  3. The SCAN_REPLACE instruction has been added to replace all occurrences of a search string with a replacement string.

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Adelia classes

  1. When defining the attributes of a class, it is possible to configure the way the class will be serialized in an XML/JSON document using *SER_NAME, *SER_OPTIONAL, *SER_MODE and *SER_WRAPPER parameters.

  2. Adelia classes can now be generated in the Java server objects directory.

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Adelia Cloud objects

  1. The CAMERA object has been added to take a photo from a WebCam.

  2. The ICON_GRID object has been added to implement an icon grid behaving like an application launcher.

  3. The SIGNATURE object has been added to enter a written signature on a touchscreen.

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Miscellaneous Improvements

  1. JIRA bug manager: It is now possible to work with several JIRA projects for an application area.

  2. Middleware server configuration: A "Search for LDAP user" authentication mode has been added which can be used in the case of a Java or Windows middleware server.

  3. JWT security for RESTful Web services: The option to use an encrypted password in the bean.xml file has been added in the case of an LDAP authentication module.

  4. Unit tests: Unit tests can now be defined in Gradle scripts.

  5. 4GL Editor: A tooltip has been added to the editor document tabs to display the description of the program for a program source tab, the program name for a window tab, etc.


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