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To open a source file, you must either:

  • Select the Open option in the 4GL Editor's File menu.

  • Select the Open option in the Layout menu in the Visual Adelia layout manager.

  • Click on the relevant icon in the tool bar in the 4GL Editor or Visual Adelia layout manager.


The window that appears first lets you select a source type, then displays the sources that match the selected type.


The different source types are:

  • macro-instructions,

  • RAD templates,

  • personalized graphical objects,

  • ADELIA programs (batch or interactive),

  • VISUAL ADELIA programs (batch or interactive),

  • ADELIA SERVER programs,

  • WADELIA programs (batch or interactive),

  • MADELIA programs,

  • management rules (ADELIA, VISUAL, WEB),

  • program templates.



Source type

Select the value that matches the required source type in the list.

When the dialog box is opened, the source type will be set to that of the last source opened.



List of the names and descriptions of the sources returned after verifying the source type and the filter set in the "Name" input field.

To open just one source, you must either:

    • double-click on its name,

    • select the source to be opened, then select the Open option in the context-sensitive menu.

To open several sources:

    • select the sources to be opened, then select the Open option in the context-sensitive menu.

A filter located above the list lets you restrict the number of sources displayed.

Extended-selection list.


Data entry


Character string used as a filter to limit the number of sources displayed that match the selected source type.



Only sources whose name begins with "VA" will be displayed.


Only sources whose name contains the string "COM" will be displayed.


Only the program with this name will be displayed.

Once a source type has been selected, the "Name" field will remain set to the last character string entered.


Context-sensitive menus

Source list

Opens the source(s) selected from the list.


"Name" field

Contains the list of default filters and the four most recent filters entered for the type.

Default filter settings:

[ ]

No source.


All sources.


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