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The errors encountered when generating graphs must be rectified as follows:

  • For level 1 and level 2 errors, and level 1 warnings, just do not break the corresponding rule to rectify the error.

  • For level 2 warnings:

    • A non-informed graphical object can be either informed or deleted. If informed, it can result in sublevel errors.
    • Particularly, a newly informed leg increases the number of legs of the relationship; a subtype entity must have a parent, etc.
    • A non-placed object (entity, subtype entity, relationship, program, transaction) can be placed using the placing dialog boxes.
    • A placed object (entity, subtype entity, relationship, program) which name is incorrectly designed (it has been modified in another application area), or which keys (entity) are incomplete or incorrect, can be corrected by a double click on the object. Even if the software engineer is not the owner, the design is correctly refreshed.
    • A non-traced leg (between a relationship and an entity or a subtype entity) can be traced - even being not informed - then associated with the chosen informed leg.
    • A non-traced entity/subtype entity connection can be traced, after having deleted a link going from the subtype entity to a former parent entity (if this link exists).
    • Links (connections or legs) which do not exist anymore because of a parent entity change or a leg deletion in another application area, can be deleted using the deletion box.
    • Anyway they will be deleted when closing the graph and will not be redesigned on the next opening.



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