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The command line syntax for running an LDM sending is:


Exchange EnvironmentName S SendingName LogFile /LDM "AppArea1, AppArea2, …"




Name of the environment where the sending is described.


Sending name. This sending must exist, and at least the destination buffer must be specified. Before it is run, the list of objects to be sent is replaced with the list of LDM objects in the application areas defined in the command line.


Path and name of the file containing the sending modification and execution report; this parameter must be written between quotes if it contains spaces.


Application area name.



    • This command line is run in three phases:

  1. the lists of objects and application areas already defined in the sending are cleared,
  2. these lists are recompiled with the LDM objects from the application areas specified in the command line,
  3. the sending is executed.



    • The list of application areas defined in the command line MUST be entered between quote marks, failing which an error will occur.


    • The sending is not run if a syntax error is detected.


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