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To access the SSG of an interactive program, you must either:

  • Select an I (Interactive)-type program and select the SSG/Batch option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Programs tab of the Object manager.

  • Select the SSG option in the Program menu of the 4GL Editor.

To access the SSG of an interactive program template, you must either:

  • Select the SSG option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Program templates tab of the Object manager.

  • Select the SSG option in the Program template menu of the 4GL Editor.


The screen displayed by the application corresponds to a window displaying a part of (or all) the work space available for SSG design.

The scroll bars are used to move in the work space.


Some graphical handling operations, and particularly the creation of graphical objects, can be performed by means of the tool palette displayed in the lower left-hand part of the screen. This tool palette also indicates the current operation mode.


By default, when a new program or a new program template is called in the SSG, only the  Begin object is placed.



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