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An object can be selected using any of the handlings described below:

  • Using the Select all option in the Edit menu.

  • Using the Select all option in the layout's context-sensitive menu.

  • Using the mouse, click the left button over the layout background, and while holding it, drag the mouse to create an area containing the objects that you want to select. This area will be represented by a rectangle that follows the mouse movements. All the objects lying entirely within the area defined when the mouse button is released will be selected.

  • If you click in the margin of a window with tabs, only the objects placed in a margin will be selected.

  • Using the left mouse button, click the object:

- If the object was not already selected, it will now be selected, and any objects already selected will no longer be selected.

- If the object had already been selected, it will now become the reference object, and any objects already selected will remain selected.

  • Using the mouse and keyboard, click the object with the left button while holding down the Shift key. This will add the object to the group of objects already selected; the newly added object will become the reference object.



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