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The VATOCOM DLL must not be unloaded between function calls. Therefore, you need to use the LOAD_DLL 'VATOCOM.DLL' instruction before the first function call, and the UNLOAD_DLL 'VATOCOM.DLL' instruction after the final call. The DLL's function names are case-sensitive.


Script functions are executed via the following sequence of calls:


NUM_BIN_4 NbElts

NUM_BIN_4 Param

NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode

NUM_BIN_4 Index

NUM_BIN_4 Value


/* Initialize the DLL (only one call is required)

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'Initialize' ReturnCode


/* Load the script

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'AddScript' 'Script.vbs' ReturnCode


/* Specify the number of input parameters

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'CreateParameters' 2 ReturnCode


/* Load the input parameters

Param = …

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'SetLongParameter' 0 Param ReturnCode

Param = …

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'SetLongParameter' 1 Param ReturnCode


/* Execute a function contained in the script

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'Execute' 'FctScript' ReturnCode


/* Retrieve the number of elements in the array returned by the function

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetParameterSize' –1 NbElts ReturnCode


/* Retrieve the elements in the array (assuming that these are integers)

Index = 0

DO_WHILE Index < NbElts

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetLongParameter' Index Value ReturnCode

/* Process value

Index = Index + 1




Aucun contenu ne comporte les étiquettes spécifiées

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