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The build component manager is used to define the components and their dependencies used during Adelia component-based build.
Before using this manager, it is best to familiarize yourself with the concepts and terminology relating to the build components by reading the following help sections:


Choose one of the following options to start the build component manager, depending on the situation:

  • The Build components option from the  Utilities submenu of the environment contextual menu.
  • The Build components option from the  Utilities menu, or the corresponding icon on the session manager toolbar.

Important:  In order to access the build components manager, the software engineer must have  *OPPM authority at *REPOSITORY level. 


  • There are two different types of component:
    • The Messages type: the component is associated with the error messages from an application area or environment, or
    • The Programs/Classes type: the component contains programs and classes.
  • A program, class or error message of an application area or environment can only be associated with a single component.

Display criteria

Radio buttons


The component type does not affect the display of the list of components.


Only Messages-type components are displayed in the list.


Only Programs/Classes-type components are displayed in the list.


Only the components selected by the user with the Add to favorites option are displayed in the list. This list of favorites is limited to 20 Programs/Classes-type components. It is specific to each user and kept when the build component manager is opened.

This list is also used by the Associate to a build component context menus or the Assoc. component buttons in the Maintenance manager and Object manager to perform a quick selection of a component.


This filter is used to limit the display of components.
It contains a list and an entry field.
This list is used to select the name of a column to which the entered alphanumeric filter will be applied.
An alphanumeric filter can be comprised of numbers, letters or "?" (to replace any character) or "*" (to replace a group of characters) wildcard characters.
Each time a column name is selected, the last filter entered for it is restored as well as a contextual menu in the input field, used to choose from the last four filters entered and the predefined characters [] (no components displayed) and * (all components displayed).

The list of build components

This list presents the components meeting the display criteria.
The following are displayed for each component: its name, type (Messages or Pgm/Classes), description, the groupId of its artifacts, the prefix of the names of its artifacts, the date of the last artifact production (corresponding to a successful build with deployment of artifacts in a repository) and its version.

This list's contextual menu contains the options proposed in the Components menu of the menu bar, as described below.

Alternate ascending and descending sorting in each column is obtained by clicking on them.

In a correction environment, there may be a check mark in front of each component name.
A red check mark indicates that the component is held by default correction. A black check mark indicates that the component is held by a correction other than the default one.


Components menu


This option opens a dialog box for creating a new component.


This option opens a dialog box for changing or displaying the information defining a component.
It is enabled only if one or more components are selected in the list.
Shortcut: double-click.


This option opens a dialog box to box to confirm actual deletion of the selected components.

After validation, the list of components is updated.

This option is enabled only if one or more components are selected in the list.

Important: to be able to delete a component defined in the dependencies of other components, you need permission to change these other components.
If this is not the case, a warning message is displayed.

Add to favorites

This option makes the selected components visible in the favorites list. It is displayed when the Favorites radio button of the display criteria is checked.

Only 20 Programs/Classes-type components can be included in the favorites.

Remove favorites

This option removes the selected components from the favorites list.
This option is enabled only when the Favorites radio button of the display criteria is checked.

Save favorites

This options saves the list of favorites.

It refreshes the list of components displayed by the Associate to a build component context menus or the Assoc. component buttons in the Maintenance manager and Object manager.


Opens a dialog box enabling the selected components to be held by the default correction.
This option is only visible in correction environments. It is enabled only if one or more components are selected in the list, and if the user has a default correction.

Individual comparison

This option opens the Individual comparison dialog box for each selected object.
This dialog box is used to compare the selected object with another object (from either the same or a different environment).

Global comparison

This option opens the Global comparison dialog box, which is used to run a comparison of a list of objects between the current environment and another.
The list of objects to be compared is initialized with the selected objects.


This option is used to exit the build component manager.
The position and size of the window, as well as the display criteria, are saved for next time it is opened.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.

Help menu

This menu is used to access the Adelia product and interface help as well as the product information box.

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