To define the attributes of an HTML page in an Adelia Web program, click on the page attribute management icon ® layout manager opened from the page in your program.
in the Dreamweaver
The dialog box controls a number of the page's settings.
Software engineers without the necessary editing rights will be able to view these settings but not define them.
Data entry
Popup parameters
Javascript parameters used by default when a program is called as a popup if the page is the first page created for the program, or if its name is specified in the popup parameters of the PROCESS_PGM instruction.
Note: The string containing the Javascript attributes must be entered directly, with no apostrophes.
Check boxes
Generate in native mode/compliant mode
Sets a page's rendering mode for the Internet Explorer browser.
Checked |
Enables native rendering mode. |
Not checked |
Enables standard rendering mode. |
With Internet Explorer 6 and above, it is possible to specify a page's rendering mode:
Native (or quirks) mode
Maintains backward display compatibility with earlier browsers (IE 4, IE 5 and IE 5 .5). In this mode, the recommendations issued by the World Wide Web Consortium are not followed to the letter on certain points.Compliant (or standards) mode
This rendering mode is used by more recent browsers (IE 6 and above, Netscape 6 and above, and Firefox 1.0 and above); it complies more closely with current recommendations.
The differences between the two modes may be related to the manner in which the CSS styles in a page are interpreted. For example, differences may occur when two tables are nested:
<tr><td>this is an example</td></tr>
<td align="center" >
<table width="100%"><tr><td>example</td></tr></table>
This situation may arise when an Adelia Web program is associated with a page layout and part of the page layout has the horizontal alignment value: Center.
In native mode, the two texts ("this is an example" and "example") are left-aligned, whereas in compliant mode "example" is centered.
In this example, an HTML page in an Adelia Web program is built to function in compliant mode. However, with Internet Explorer 6, a page interpretation error forces the browser to switch to native mode. The error is fixed in Internet Explorer 7, allowing the same page to be interpreted in compliant mode.
If display differences between Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 are visible on a page that has already been laid out, you should either:
- Force native mode (by checking the relevant box and clicking the Define button),
- Or switch to compliant mode (by unchecking the box and clicking Define), and then fix the differences one by one (for example by manually left-aligning the text in the nested table by including style="text-align:left").
We recommend designing page layouts in compliant mode whenever a new site is created, provided backward compatibility with Internet Explorer version 5 and earlier is not stipulated.
Render level
This option can only be used for Internet Explorer version 8 and higher. It is used to force which rendering engine level to use to display the page.
For IE 8, the render levels are:
- Render level in native mode,
- IE 7 render level (that used by Internet Explorer 7),
- IE 8 render level (that used by Internet Explorer 7).
For IE 9, the render levels are those of IE 8 plus a new IE 9 render level (that used by Internet Explorer 9).
The higher the selected render level, the more the page rendering complies with the display standards defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (compatibility with CSS and ECMASCRIPT standards).
By default, IE 8 interprets a page (in compliant rendering mode) differently depending on whether it comes from the internet or the intranet:
- via the internet: the page is interpreted with the IE 8 level by default,
- via the intranet: the page is interpreted with the IE 7 level by default (compatibility view).
Exception: if the page is loaded as "localhost", it is interpreted with IE 8 level.
By default, IE 9 interprets a page differently depending on whether it comes from the internet or the intranet:
- via the internet: the page is interpreted with the IE 9 level by default,
- via the intranet: the page is interpreted with the IE 7 level by default (compatibility view).
Exception: if the page is loaded as "localhost", it is interpreted with IE 9 level.
The possible values are as follows:
"IE=5" |
Forces the associated render level in native mode. |
"IE=7" |
Forces the IE 7 render level even if the page is in native mode. |
"IE=8" |
Forces the IE 8 render level even if the page is in native mode. |
"IE=9" |
Forces the IE 9 render level even if the page is in native mode. |
"IE=EmulateIE7" |
If the page is in native mode, leave the associated render level in native mode. If the page is in compliant mode, force the IE 7 render level. |
"IE=EmulateIE8" |
If the page is in native mode, leave the associated render level in native mode. If the page is in compliant mode, force the IE 8 render level. |
"IE=EmulateIE9" |
If the page is in native mode, leave the associated render level in native mode. If the page is in compliant mode, force the IE 9 render level. |
"IE=edge" |
Force the highest IE render level even if the page is in native mode (i.e. the selected render level will be that associated with the IE version which displays the page). For example, the render level will be that of IE 10 if IE version 10 is used. |
Selecting a value adds (in the JSP associated with the program) a META tag <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=XXX"/> to the HEAD tag of the HTML produced.
In the Adelia Web program fine-tuning phase, it is possible to test the different render levels on execution. To do this, display the "Development tools" box (Tools menu then Development tools F12) and select the render level from the "Document mode" list.
In the case of display differences in a page between IE7 /IE8 / IE9, it is possible to force the compatibility view level (i.e. use the lowest render level, so that of Internet Explorer 7) on a user workstation. To do this, display the "Compatibility view settings" box (Tools menu then Compatibility view settings) and click "Add" to force Adelia Web application pages to be displayed in this mode. This mode can also be set for a group of users by the system administrator via Internet Explorer's Group Policy Setting.
Important: "Compatibility view" and X-UA-Compatible flag are not the same:
- "Compatibility view" mode is set in the browser: It changes the "User Agent" (migrate to IE7) and the way conditional comments are interpreted.
Example: <!--[if IE 8]> for IE8.0 <![endif]-->,
- The X-UA-Compatible flag is set on the page. It takes priority over Compatibility view mode and does not affect the "User Agent".
If the Web server application hosting the Adelia Web application uses an Apache HTTP server, it is possible to configure it to set a render level for all the pages of an application (
It is possible to change the render level for a set of pages without using this settings dialog box by using a SQL query in the Adelia database (see "Changing the render level of an HTML page" sheet in the knowledge base).
Enter/ Define (validation)
The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.
The Define button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box.
The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the data is updated in the database before the box is closed; otherwise, an error message is displayed.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.