To display, create, copy or modify the general characteristics of a task of the current application area, select the corresponding option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Tasks tab of the Object manager.
Data entry
Name of the task.
This name must be a valid task name (as defined by IBM), unique in the environment.
Length: 15 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Description clearly identifying the task.
Length: 50 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Java Client Package
Java Package name, when generating in Java Client.
Programs generated in Java and assigned to a task in which a Package name is defined will contain the following directive in their source: Package "<PackageName> ;".
This field is not active for SRVPGM tasks.
Note: A program can only be assigned to one task containing a Package name.
Java Server Package
Java Package name, when generating in Java Server.
Programs generated in Java and assigned to a task in which a Package name is defined will contain the following directive in their source: Package "<PackageName> ;".
This field is not active for SRVPGM tasks.
Note: A program can only be assigned to one task containing a Package name.
Lets you indicate the position of the prototype. It can be entered freely and in the following format: Library/SourceFile,Member. It must be no more than 256 characters long.
Optional field.
This field is only active for SRVPGM tasks.
IBM name
This name must be a valid IBM name (as defined by IBM).
It must be no more than 10 characters long.
This field is optional and is only active for SRVPGM tasks.
However, if the task must be compiled, then the field must be filled in.
Program template
List of the program templates which can be associated with the master program of the task.
Default: "None".
This field is not active for SRVPGM tasks.
Radio buttons
The visibility of a task can be either public or private. Only the owner of the transaction template, or a software engineer with modification authorities, can change the visibility.
A public task cannot be changed into a private task if it is attached to more than one application area.
In creation mode, the visibility is by default set to public.
Click the radio button corresponding to the type of the process run on the task: Interactive or Batch.
Click on the button corresponding to the type of task to be created or modified: Conventional, SRVPGM or Test.
- the SRVPGM type only concerns AS/400.
- A program can only be assigned to one SRVPGM task.
Click here for more information on SRVPGM tasks.
Opens a dialog box that lets you modify the parameters for the CRTSRVPGM command to create the task as a service program.
This button is accessible for SRVPGM tasks with an IBM task name.
This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the task, as well as the list of available management rules which can be assigned to the task.
This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the task, in order to resequence this list by modifying the sequence numbers of the listed management rules.
This button is not active in display mode.
This button opens a dialog box displaying information on the current task, such as the name of the software engineer-owner, the dates and times of creation and modification.
This button opens a dialog box for entering a comment text which will be associated with the current task.
Enter/Create/Modify (validation)
The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.
The Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box.
The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the task definition is updated in the database before the box is closed; otherwise, an error message is displayed.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.