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To convert between EBCDIC/(ASCII or ANSI), the AS/400 compilation server uses the conversion tables in the AS/400 library QUSRSYS.

The table object (*TBL) is presented as follows:


Q<"euro" AS/400 code page>BF<ANSI PC code page>

à support for the "euro" character




Q<AS/400 code page>BF<DOS PC code page>

à no support for the "euro" character


Note: Code pages higher than 999 are coded in base 36 (A to Z and 0 to 9).



To convert between:

    • an AS/400 with a code page set to 297 or 1147 and
    • a PC with an ANSI code page set to 1252 and an ASCII code page set to 850 (ASCII code page: DOS),

the first table sought is QA66BFA93 (this table provides support for the "euro" character – A66=1147, A93=1252).

If this table is not present, Q297BF850 will be used.


You can perform the conversion using a table other than the one obtained using the rule set out below. To do so, just create the TBLTCPANSI data area in the HA2SLIB library on your AS/400, if you want to support the "euro" character, or DBMTBLTCP if you cannot or do not want to support the "euro" character.


    • The TBLTCPANSI data area must contain:

      • Positions 1 to 10:
Name of the library containing the table used for EBCDIC ® ANSI conversions.
      • Positions 11 to 20:
Name of the table used for EBCDIC ® ANSI conversions.
      • Positions 21 to 30:
Name of the library containing the table used for ANSI ® EBCDIC conversions (optional).
      • Positions 31 to 40:
Name of the table used for ANSI ® EBCDIC conversions (optional).

If positions 21 to 40 are left blank, the conversions from ANSI into EBCDIC will be deduced from the table specified for conversions from EBCDIC into ANSI.

This is generally the case, because AS/400s do not contain the ANSI ® EBCDIC conversion table by default.


Note: If the TBLTCPANSI data area contains, at its positions 1 to 10, the *USRPRF value, then the CCSID of the Middleware connection profile (not the AS/400 codepage) is used to search for the conversion table.


    • The DBMTBLTCP data area must contain:

      • Positions 1 to 10:
Name of the library containing the table used for EBCDIC ® ASCII conversions.
      • Positions 11 to 20:
Name of the table used for EBCDIC ® ASCII conversions.
      • Positions 21 to 30:
Name of the library containing the table used for ASCII ® EBCDIC conversions (optional).
      • Positions 31 to 40:
Name of the table used for ASCII ® EBCDIC conversions (optional).

If positions 21 to 40 are left blank, the conversions from ASCII into EBCDIC will be deduced from the table specified for conversions from EBCDIC into ASCII.


If you use the data area TBLTCPANSI or DBMTBLTCP, you will have to set your three special characters to match the table specified in the data area, instead of with the code page for your AS/400 ( see help topic Special Characters).



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