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This tab for the environment analysis performed during a correction validation lets you define the various parameter used to generate the PDM of logical entities, error message files and ADELIA programs.


Note: This tab will only be available if automatic generation has been checked in the attributes of the correction environment from which the correction validation is run.


Check boxes

Automatic generation

This box is only active if the analysis of the correction validation in the environment returned one or more program, class, error message, dictionary constant, logical entity or join entity type objects which can be validated.

This check box lets you choose to automatically generate the data files associated with the objects received in the correction validation's receiving environment.


The data files are generated automatically. A generation job is created for each program, class, error message, logical entity or join entity object received.

A constants re-extraction job is created if at least one constant from the dictionary is present in the correction.


The following items are generated, depending on the object type:

    • with logical entities, accesses and join entities: the PDM is generated,

    • with error messages: the error message files are generated,

    • with programs and classes: the sources are generated and compiled.

These different generation procedures entail the creation of generation jobs in the receiving environment's job manager.
These jobs are created immediately after the reception of the objects concerned by the correction validation, and immediately before the "After Validation" EXIT program (if any) is run.


Error message file generation parameters:
Adelia AS/400

The error message file will be generated on the AS/400 (Adelia programs).


Adelia Windows

The error message file will be generated on the PC (Adelia programs).


Visual Adelia

The error message file will be generated on the PC (Visual Adelia programs).



These radio buttons display the two possible generation modes for the error message file.

Click the button corresponding to the desired generation type.


Important note: For Visual Adelia generation, you can only use the Replace option.



Check boxes (Visual Adelia, Adelia Web and Mobile generation only)


The error message file will be generated on the AS/400.



The error message file will be generated in the PC server part and placed in the object directory corresponding to the Windows server parts.



The error message file will be generated in the Java server part in the form of a ".properties" file and placed in the object directory corresponding to the Java server parts.


ADELIA program generation parameters:

Radio buttons

Adelia C

Adelia programs will be generated in C for Windows.


Adelia RPG

Adelia programs will be generated in RPG/400.


Logical entity PDM generation parameters:


Work with databases

Type of the database which is to be generated.

Possible values:

"AS/400 native"

Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of AS/400 files.

"AS/400 SQL"

Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of AS/400 SQL tables.


Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of Btrieve files for Windows.

"DB2 Windows"

Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of DB2/Windows SQL tables.


Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of SQL Oracle tables.

"SQL Server"

Generation of the Physical Data Model in the form of SQL Server tables.


Note: The values presented in the list depend on the licence you own, and on the setup defined in the environment attributes.


Check boxes

Generation with key


Generation of physical files with key.

Not checked

Generation of physical files without key.

The generation of a physical file without key implies the generation of a logical file whose name is specified when defining the logical entity.

Default: box not checked.


Save data

This check box starts the generation of the Physical Data Model while saving the data of the existing Physical Data Model.


Generation with the saving of existing data.


For AS/400 generation, the data is saved in the HS#QTEMP library.


For Btrieve generation, the data is stored in a file whose name will be indicated if a problem occurs (in order to allow data retrieval).

Not checked

Generation without saving of existing data.



    • With VADELIA and SADELIA programs, the parameters from the most recent generation are used, or the default parameters if they have not previously been generated.
    • With join entities, there are no generation parameters, because join entities can only be generated as native AS/400 files.
    • With error messages, a separate error message file is generated for each origin (environment or application area).




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