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To modify the context-sensitive menu's descriptions, click the Menu detail button of the Modify the graphical attributes of a format dialog box.




List of the options already defined.

When an option is selected, its value and description are then displayed in the entry fields located above the list, where they can be modified.

The  sequence  of options in the list can be modified.

Single-selection list.


Data entry


Value of the option selected in the list. When this option is requested, specify the value of the variable associated with the subfile format.



Description of the option selected in the list. Enter the text to be displayed in the context-sensitive menu option.


Description array

Guide word for the one-dimension array declared in  the Adelia program's data environment. This array is used to define the context-sensitive menu's descriptions dynamically.

The number of elements in the array is set by the user according to the maximum number of options required in the context-sensitive menu.


Value array

Guide word for the one-dimension array declared in  the Adelia program's data environment. This array is used to define the context-sensitive menu's values dynamically.

The value array and the description array are matched and must therefore contain the same number of elements. In other words, for a given element, the option code value and the menu description are associated.


Default value

Guide word for an alphanumeric variable declared in  the Adelia program's data environment. This variable is used to define the context-sensitive menu's default value dynamically.


Click here to see an example.


Check boxes

Dflt (default)

Indicates whether the option currently modified is the context-sensitive menu's default option. There can only be one default option per context-sensitive menu.




This button adds a new option to the list.

This button is only active when both entry fields are filled in.



This button validates the modifications made in the entry fields and updates the list accordingly.

It is not active when no option is selected in the list.



This button deletes the option selected in the list from the context-sensitive menu.

It is not active when no option is selected in the list.



This button deletes all the options in the list from the context-sensitive menu.

It is not active when the list is empty.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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