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To specify the printing parameters before printing the current graph, choose either:

  • The Print option from the Graph menu of the CDM.

  • The Print graph option from the Program menu of the SSG.

  • The Print graph option from the Program template menu of the SSG.

If necessary, this window can be minimized to work in better conditions during the printing.


Several printing jobs cannot be performed simultaneously. Print menus are thus dimmed when a printing is currently processed.


Data entry

Number of copies

Number of copies required.



Scale factor expressed in percentage.

The minimum scale is 10 %.

The 100 % scale corresponds to the graph displayed in standard scale.


Radio buttons


The pages to be printed are either all the pages, or a selection of pages: in the latter case, you must specify the beginning and final pages in the corresponding fields.

The pages are numbered from left to right, and from top to bottom.



This option is used to opt for a black and white or color printing.



Print (validation)

This button starts printing the graph according to the parameters entered and closes the dialog box.

The printing job is submitted to the Job manager.



This button closes the dialog box without starting the printing, and ignores all the modified parameters.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


Note: Other parameters can be specified by means of the Printer setup option from the Graph menu of the CDM or from the Program menu of the SSG (paper size and layout, printing quality). This option opens a Windows system dialog box.


During the printing of the graph, an information window indicates the progression state of the process. It also indicates the number of the current page and copy.


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