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Proceed in any of the following ways to modify the properties of an object issued from the basic RAD_FORM graphical object:

  • Select the Properties option in the object's context-sensitive menu.

  • Double-click the object in the layout.

  • Select the Properties option in the object's context-sensitive menu in the tree list in the Sequence the controls dialog box.

  • Select the Form properties option in the RAD wizard's context-sensitive menu in the Form tab of the program definition window.


Data entry


Name of the graphical object, used in the 4GL source code to manage the object.



Check boxes

Create a frame during RAD development


During a program's RAD development, this object is converted into a frame.


Default: Not checked.


Data entry


Text associated with the frame.

This field is only enabled if the Create a frame during RAD development check box is checked.


Text field


Text object

List of graphical objects issued from the TEXT basic graphical object.

The selected object is used during the RAD development to create the objects in the text field.

Default value: the TEXT basic graphical object.



Opens a dialog box showing an example of the object selected in the list.





List containing the prompt's possible management types for fields inserted in the form during the RAD development.

Possible values:

Standard prompt

The prompt is obtained via the prompt key defined in the screen standard.


A button inserted after the field is used to access the prompt.


Default value: Standard prompt.


Button object

List of graphical objects issued from the BUTTON basic graphical object.

The selected object is used during the RAD development to create the prompt buttons for fields inserted in the form.

Default value: the BUTTON basic graphical object.

This list is only enabled if the type is Button prompt.



Opens a dialog box showing an example of the object selected in the Button object list.

This button is only enabled if the type is Button prompt.



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