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This section is used to address the script files used to generate or update an Oracle base.

*ALL addresses the file containing the queries that enable the creation of a new database. If this file is not specified, the tables will be created using the generic description ( [PDM/Generic]).

v.w is the SQL query script used to migrate the database from the v.w version to the specified version.

*REM addresses the file containing the queries making it possible to delete tables from a database. If this file is not specified, the tables will be deleted using the generic description ( [PDM/Generic]).

During an update procedure, the system attempts to chain scripts from the current database version to the version specified in the descriptor. If no script is supplied for the current version during a given phase in the sequence, the generic script is run in 'retain data' mode.

This section is not mandatory.


*ALL = sample_pdm.sql

1.0 = 1.1, sample_10_11.sql

1.1 = 1.2, sample_11_12.sql










Name of the SQL script that describes the overall database structure. It is only played during the creation of a database or tables in an existing database.




Name of SQL script containing the requests to delete data from a database. This script is only run when deleting tables from a database.

<Version N°>



Instruction for updating a database from a version <Version N°>*

Format: <next Version N°>, <name of table generation script>. (1)

(1) See the topic Working with Database Versions .

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