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The window of Adelia Studio displays, as icons, the various environments and buffers already catalogued.


The window of Adelia Studio has following menus:


  • the General menu , allowing management of the interface, environments and buffers, and corresponding to the popup menu by right clicking on the background of the window (away from any icon),




  • the Runtime iSeries menu , to launch utilities related to the Runtime iSeries (for Adelia type programs generated in C language)



  • The Help menu, to access the product Help, the presentation of new features of the different versions and the About Adelia Studio box .


Note: the Runtime iSeries menu is not displayed by default. To display them, in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hardis\Adelia /IWS" registry key (Windows 32 bit), create a value with the name "ShowIWSShortcuts", of DWORD type, and assign it the value "1".


Double clicking an environment icon opens the Session Manager. If it is a newly created environment, the environment configuration wizard opens in the first place.


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