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This function is used to create a queue (message queue entity) in a message broker supporting the AMQP v0.9.1 protocol. This API was validated with RabbitMQ open source message broker software (

This function is executed using a configuration file (in YAML format), defining the detailed configuration of the handled Adelia logical broker.

A queue is defined by a unique name. Therefore, two queues with the same name but different characteristics cannot be created. A queue can be connected to several exchanges.

A queue can also be connected to the same exchange several times by using different routing keys.


  • Cloud client

  • Java server

  • Java client

  • Web client




Adelia logical broker name. Its parameters (broker, port, etc.) are defined in the AdeliaLogicalBrokersConfig.yaml configuration file.



Name of the queue the message will be stored in.



A durable queue is automatically recreated when the message broker restarts.



If the value is *TRUE, the queue which had at least one message consumer client will be deleted when deregistering the last consumer client.



An exclusive client is used by a single connection and will be deleted when this connection is closed.

IMAGE or ALPHA QueueArguments

Additional parameters used to specify the queue to be created. This parameter must be in JSON format in the form of an object. Its attributes can be:

    • x-message-ttl
    • x-expires
    • x-max-length
    • x-max-length-bytes
    • x-overflow
    • x-dead-letter-exchange
    • x-dead-letter-routing-key
    • x-max-priority
    • x-queue-mode
    • x-queue-master-locator




Information about the binding between this queue and other exchanges. This parameter must be in JSON format in the form of an object list. Each object represents a configuration for the binding between this queue and another exchange. Its attributes can be:

    • exchange: name of the exchange to connect,
    • routingKey: routing key for messages enabling the exchange to forward the message to this queue,
    • arguments: object used to define a criterion for binding with a "headers";-type exchange.




Return code:

0: Successful execution.

-1: The QueueArguments parameter is the wrong Adelia type.

-2: The QueueBinding parameter is the wrong Adelia type.

-3: The AdeliaLogicalBroker parameter must not be empty.

-4: The QueueName parameter must not be empty.

-5: Error during syntax analysis of the QueueArguments parameter.

-6: Error during the JSON transformation of the QueueArguments parameter.

-7: Error when reading the QueueArguments parameter.

-8: Error during syntax analysis of the QueueBinding parameter.

-9: Error during the JSON transformation of the QueueBinding parameter.

-10: Error when reading the QueueBinding parameter.

-11: Configuration not loaded. No logical broker defined (.YAML file not defined, found or loaded).

-12: No configuration defined in the .YAML file for the specified Adelia logical broker.

-13: Error when creating the message broker client.

-14: Error when creating the entities (exchanges, queues, bindings) defined in the AdeliaLogicalBroker logical broker configuration.

40: Error when declaring the queue in the message broker.

50: Error when declaring bindings between this queue and the exchanges.

Example 1

myQueue = 'queue1'

* Creation of a non-durable, non-exclusive queue with automatic deletion which is connected by default to the default exchange called "

CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxAMQPCreateQueue 'myLogicalBroker' myQueue *FALSE *TRUE *FALSE *BLANK *BLANK myReturnCode

Example 2

myQueue  = 'queue1'  

myQueueBinding  = [{"exchange": "directExchange1", "routingKey": "routeOne"}, {"exchange": "topicExchange1", "routingKey": "topicOne.*"}]  

* Creation of a queue connected to the directExchange1 exchange with the  ' routeOne ' routing key  connected to the Exchange1 topic exchange  with the  routing  key ' topicOne .* '  

CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxAMQPCreateQueue' 'myLogicalBroker myQueue  *FALSE *TRUE *FALSE *BLANK  myQueueBinding   myReturnCode

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