Used to represent an "XY"-type chart. Based on the Java XChart XYChart class.
Style parameter
Hash object for which the keys are style property names and the values the value associated with each property. This object groups together a set of base properties which are common to all types of chart as well as a set of properties which are specific to "XY" charts.
Base styles (Java XChart Styler class) |
Property name |
Value type |
AnnotationsFont |
Cf. Java Font Type |
AntiAlias |
Boolean |
BaseFont |
Cf. Java Font Type |
ChartBackgroundColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ChartFontColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ChartPadding |
Number (integer) |
ChartTitleBoxBackgroundColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ChartTitleBoxBorderColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ChartTitleBoxVisible |
Boolean |
ChartTitleFont |
Cf. Java Font Type |
ChartTitlePadding |
Number (integer) |
ChartTitleVisible |
Boolean |
DecimalPattern |
String |
HasAnnotations |
Boolean |
LegendBackgroundColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
LegendBorderColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
LegendFont |
Cf. Java Font Type |
LegendLayout |
Strings "Vertical", "Horizontal" |
LegendPadding |
Number (integer) |
LegendPosition |
Strings "OutsideE", "InsideNW", "InsideNE", "InsideSE", "InsideSW", "InsideN", "InsideS", "OutsideS" |
LegendSeriesLineLength |
Number (integer) |
LegendVisible |
Boolean |
PlotBackgroundColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
PlotBorderColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
PlotBorderVisible |
Boolean |
PlotContentSize |
Number (decimal) |
SeriesColors |
Color sequence |
Property not supported |
SeriesMarkers |
"Circle", "Cross", "Diamond", "None", "Oval", "Plus", "Rectangle", "Square", "Trapezoid", "TriangleDown", "TriangleUp" string sequence |
Theme |
Strings |
ToolTipBackgroundColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ToolTipBorderColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ToolTipFont |
Cf. Java Font Type |
ToolTipHighlightColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ToolTipsAlwaysVisible |
Boolean |
ToolTipsEnabled |
Boolean |
ToolTipType |
Strings "xLabels", "yLabels", "xAndYLabels" |
YAxisGroupPosition |
Sequence of sequences with a length of 2. Each sub-sequence contains a Number (integer) and a "Left", "Right" String. |
Axes chart styles (Java XChart AxesChartStyler class) |
AxisTickLabelsColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
AxisTickLabelsFont |
Cf. Java Font Type |
AxisTickMarkLength |
Number (integer) |
AxisTickMarksColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
AxisTickMarksStroke |
Property not supported |
AxisTickPadding |
Number (integer) |
AxisTicksLineVisible |
Boolean |
AxisTicksMarksVisible |
Boolean |
AxisTicksVisible |
Boolean |
AxisTitleFont |
Cf. Java Font Type |
AxisTitlePadding |
Number (integer) |
AxisTitlesVisible |
Boolean |
DatePattern |
String |
ErrorBarsColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
ErrorBarsColorSeriesColor |
Boolean |
Locale |
String (Local in IETF BCP 47 format) |
MarkerSize |
Number (integer) |
PlotGridHorizontalLinesVisible |
Boolean |
PlotGridLinesColor |
Cf. Java Color Type |
PlotGridLinesStroke |
Property not supported |
PlotGridLinesVisible |
Boolean |
PlotGridVerticalLinesVisible |
Boolean |
PlotMargin |
Number (integer) |
PlotTicksMarksVisible |
Boolean |
Timezone |
String |
XAxisDecimalPattern |
String |
XAxisLabelAlignment |
Strings "Left", "Centre", "Right" |
XAxisLabelAlignmentVertical |
Strings "Left", "Centre", "Right" |
XAxisLabelRotation |
Number (integer) |
XAxisLogarithmic |
Boolean |
XAxisLogarithmicDecadeOnly |
Boolean |
XAxisMax |
Number (decimal) |
XAxisMin |
Number (decimal) |
XAxisTickMarkSpacingHint |
Number (integer) |
XAxisTicksVisible |
Boolean |
XAxisTitleVisible |
Boolean |
YAxisDecimalPattern |
String |
YAxisLabelAlignment |
Strings "Left", "Centre", "Right" |
YAxisLogarithmic |
Boolean |
YAxisLogarithmicDecadeOnly |
Boolean |
YAxisMax |
Number (decimal) |
YAxisMin |
Number (decimal) |
YAxisMin |
Number or Sequence of sequences with a length of 2. Each sub-sequence contains a Number (integer) and a Number (decimal). |
YAxisTickMarkSpacingHint |
Number (integer) |
YAxisTicksVisible |
Boolean |
YAxisTitleVisible |
Boolean |
Specific styles (Java XChart XYStyler class) |
DefaultSeriesRenderStyle |
Strings "Line", "Area", "Step", "StepArea", "Scatter" |
Series parameter
Sequence of Hash objects representing the data series of the "XY" chart. Also, style properties can be defined for each series. Each Hash object represents a series: these properties enable data values as well as style property values to be stored.
Data properties of a series
An "XY" chart series is represented by its name, a ydata value, an optional xdata value and an optional errorbars value (Cf. addSeries method
Property name |
Value type |
Mandatory |
name |
String |
Y |
ydata |
Number |
Y |
xdata |
Number / Date / Date-time |
N |
errorbars |
Number |
N |
Style properties of a series
These properties are used to specify a series by overloading a style property defined in the Hash object of the macro's Style parameter. Each property is defined in an XChart class (Series base class or AxesChartSeries class or MarkerSeries class or specific XYSeries class) using its "setter" method.
When one of these properties is used in this macro, its Freemarker type is that which corresponds to the associated Java type.
Base series styles (Java XChart Series class) | |
Property name | Value type |
Enabled | Boolean |
FillColor | Cf. Java Color Type |
Label | String |
ShowInLegend | Boolean |
YAxisGroup | Number (integer) |
Axes chart series styles (Java XChartAxesChartSeries class) | |
LineColor | Cf. Java Color Type |
LineStyle | Property not supported |
LineWidth | Number (decimal) |
Marker chart series styles (Java XChartMarkersSeries class) | |
Marker | Strings "Circle", "Cross", "Diamond", "None", "Oval", "Plus", "Rectangle", "Square", "Trapezoid", "TriangleDown", "TriangleUp" |
MarkerColor | Cf. Java Color Type |
Specific series styles (Java XChart XYSeries class) | |
Strings "Line", "Area", "Step", "StepArea", "Scatter" |
Other optional parameters:
Parameter type | Parameter name | Description |
String |
xaxistitle |
"x" axis title. |
String |
yaxistitle |
"y" axis title |