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To open this page, click the Cloud - Client tab in one of the following dialog boxes:


This page lets you set the PC references required in order to generate client parts of Adelia Cloud programs in Cloud.


Middleware parameters

Data entry

IP host name

IP address of the Windows PC on which programs are to be compiled.


IP port

Listening port used by the Adelia daemon running on the PC (usually port 910).



Adelia Middleware profile used for the connection (usually HARDISPS).



Password associated with the user (usually HARDISPS).

Hidden input.



You must reenter your password to confirm what you previously typed.

Hidden input.


Check boxes

Inherit the parameters


The fields in the "Middleware parameters" section are automatically initialized with the values indicated in the "Compilation machine for client Visual Adelia Cloud programs " parameters of the ADELIWS.INI file.


These fields will then become non modifiable.



Opens a dialog box showing the Windows servers detected on the network. This dialog box enables you to select a server and to check the connection parameters.


Client Visual Adelia programs

Data entry

Site root

Basic directory in which Cloud objects (.class) are generated.



Directory or subdirectory (in relation to the site root) in which Java sources (.java) are generated.



Package used for the generated classes.

The directive "Package… ;" is generated for each Java source; the classes are then generated in the basic directory and the directory matching the Package name.



Create/Update site

If it does not already exist, the site is created (with all of its sub-trees) and initialized with the Adelia Cloud runtime files.

If your site already exists, its Adelia Cloud runtime files are updated with those on the Adelia Studio development platform. You may be prompted to perform this operation after applying an Adelia Studio patch (PTF file).


Tomcat server

Data entry

Tomcat server

Indicates the directory in which Tomcat is installed. This value is updated on the basis of the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable.

The "..." button located to the right of the field opens a dialog box that lets you select the Tomcat install directory.

If this has been changed when the box is closed, the value of the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable will be updated accordingly.

When the box is opened, the directory matching the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable will be preselected in the field.


Site name

Name of the site, starting from the root.

This value, which is contained in the Tomcat configuration file is that of the context.



Register site

Adds the specified site's reference to the Tomcat configuration. The site's basic directory is the one specified by the value of Site root.


Unregister site

Removes the specified site's reference from the Tomcat configuration.



This button cancels any modifications and returns the application to its previous state.



This button cancels any modifications and returns the application to how it was when the environment was created.


The dialog box is closed by clicking the Close button (keyboard shortcut: Alt + F4). If any modifications have been made, a confirmation pane will appear, prompting you to save the changes.



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