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To set the generation parameters for an Adelia Web program, you must either:

  • Select the Generate option from the Program menu in the 4GL Editor, or the corresponding icon in the toolbar.

  • Select the Generate option from the PGM block's context-sensitive menu in the 4GL Editor's tree view.

  • Click the Generate button of the Programs tab of the Object manager, provided that the Source and Parameters check boxes of this dialog box were previously checked.

  • Select the Generate with parameters suboption from the Submit generation option in the context-sensitive menu of the Maintenance manager's Results and Storage tabs.

  • Select the Generate with parameters suboption from the Submit generation option in the context-sensitive menu of the Multisource search's Results and Storage tabs.


This dialog box lets you modify the 3GL generation parameters and run the generation procedure.

When a public program is generated, a duplication job (visible in the job manager) will be created for the purpose of copying the Web client objects (JSPs, classes, resources, etc.) in the site's root directories associated with the application areas to which the program is attached, and for which this directory name is specific (i.e. not the same as the site's root directory specified at environment level); this approach ensures that these public programs are accessible.



Check boxes

Implicit management rules


The RE, DE, UP and CR -class management rules are taken into account when the program is generated.

Default: standard choice made in the environment attributes.


Create object


The source generated will be compiled.

Default: box checked.


Delete sources


The source files will be deleted once the object has been compiled.

Default: box checked.




The elements required to debug the generated program are retained (i.e. debugging will be possible).

Default: standard choice made in the environment attributes.


Multilingual generation


The program will be generated in all of the translation manager's maintained languages. It will then be possible to run the program in those languages.

If the program has not been extracted in the translation manager: the box is unchecked and shaded.

If the program is public: by default, the choice is made in the environment attributes.

If the program is private: by default, the choice is made in the application area attributes (or in some cases inherited from the environment attributes).


Connection conservation


Specifies that the program is generated in "connection conservation" mode.


Unicode generation


The program will be generated in Unicode mode.

Default: standard choice made in the environment attributes.

Note : generating in Unicode mode also allows the activation of the support for Windows themes.




This button opens a dialog box which is used to specify the generation characteristics of a program.





This button opens a dialog box which is used to specify the generation directories for the Java client and JSP files.



Check boxes

These boxes can be used to select the generation platforms for each logical server used in the program.




The code for the logical server will be generated in the corresponding server module, on a Windows platform.




The code for the logical server will be generated in the corresponding server module, on a Java platform.




The code for the logical server will be generated in the corresponding server module, on an AS/400 platform.




The code for the logical server will be generated locally in the client part. There will be no corresponding server module.


Note: The Win, Java and 400 boxes may be checked at the same time. On the other hand, the Loc. box is incompatible with the 6 others.




The combination of the Win, Java, 400 and Loc check boxes will be as defined in the corresponding logical server definition box.

Not checked

You will be able to select different combinations of Win, Java, 400 and Loc settings for each server.



When the Win, Java, 400 and Loc check boxes are not checked, the Dft box is automatically reset to "checked".

With batch Adelia Web programs, the *WEB_REPORT logical server is defined by default and always associated with a Windows platform.



Check boxes



The Generate button submits the generation job for the program.

This box is only active if the program generation was run from the 4GL Editor.

    • When it is active (default setting), it will take the value shown in the Submit 3GL generation box of the Environment tab in the Options of the editor dialog box.

    • When the box is not active, it will take the value shown in the Submit box specified at program management level.



Generate (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and starts the requested generation.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made or starting the generation.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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