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To open the global comparison window, click the Compare button in the Elements for global comparison dialog box.


This box shows the results of comparing a list of objects across two environments.

Initially, the list of objects to be compared is compiled on the basis of the comparison elements specified in the Elements for global comparison dialog box. This list is compiled using objects from the first environment only (i.e. the environment from which the Global comparison option was selected).

Once this list has been compiled, the comparison procedure is run for each object.


The workspace comprises:

You can open a context-sensitive menu in the results list; the context-sensitive menu contains the same options as the Selection menu.


Results list

This list shows all the objects found in the first environment that match the comparison elements specified in the Elements for global comparison dialog box.


The name, type and comparison result are shown for each object.

The possible results are:

" "

comparison not yet performed.

"In progress"

comparison in progress.


the two sources are identical.


the two sources are different.

"Not found"

the object does not exist in the second environment.


a database error occurred, causing the comparison to fail.


The list is sorted by object name. Once the comparison procedure is complete, or has been held, you can sort the list according to a column, in ascending or descending order, by clicking the corresponding column header.

This list is managed using a context-sensitive menu that contains the same options as the Selection menu.

Multiple-selection list.


Displayed data

Message bar

The messages shown in this bar, located at the bottom of the dialog box, vary as processing progresses.

The following details are displayed (from left to right):

    • The comparison processing state: "In progress…", "Held" or "Finished".

    • Progress of the comparison procedure, as a percentage.

    • The name and type of the object currently being compared, or the number of each of the possible results if the comparison procedure has finished or been held.


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