- Alphanumeric fields up to 8386552 characters long (instead of 32700) can now be defined.
To use this functionality for the DB2/400 database, the user needs to be at PTF F005 level of the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 13.
Visual Adelia language
Alphanumeric variables up to 8386552 characters long can now be declared.
To use this functionality for an AS/400 server part, the user needs to be at PTF F005 level of the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 13.The CREATE_SQL instruction can now be used to insert records in a block.
When managing NULL values, the SET_INDICATOR instruction is used to manage NULL values in lists defined with the *INDIC parameter.The CURSOR instruction is used to read records in a block.
The predefined function &SQL_SANITIZE has been added to guard against SQL injection-type techniques.
To use this functionality for an AS/400 server part, the user needs to be at PTF F005 level of the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 13.VaToolBx functions have been added for Socket management.
These functions are used to connect to a server via TCP and read and write data.The VaToolBxIsProcessAlive function has been added to check that there is a process with the specified name in the current session.
VaToolBxBase64ToImage, VaToolBxImageToBase64, VaToolBxBase64ImageToImage, VaToolBxImageToBase64Image functions have been added to manage base64 string or binary encoding.
4GL Editor
Documents are now open by default in tabs.
This can be disabled in editor options.
Editor in Tab mode, with three documents opened : two on the left and one one the right.
The Open menu can display a list containing documents of all types.
The LDM input help page now displays the entity name and file name. The context-sensitive menu is used to retrieve the entity name or file name from the source.
When the mouse cursor hovers over the name of a SQL cursor in the source, the information tooltip indicates the name of the entities (and their short name) used by the cursor.
When moving vertically using the Up/Down arrows, the cursor maintains the original horizontal position as far as possible even if it has passed over shorter intermediate lines.
The ability to clear the position log in the source has been added in order to start again with a clear log when navigating in the source using Forward and Back options
Visual Adelia Layout Manager / Graphical objects
The layout of window that is larger than the developer's workstation screen can now be managed.
When the editor is working in "tab" mode, the layout management windows are now also displayed in the editor tabs.
A radio button without a frame can now be defined.
In "read only" mode, it is now possible to see the property values of OCX objects or specific Adelia Cloud objects (Accordion menu, Drop zone, HTML frame).
Adelia Cloud : the MENU BAR object has been added.
Trace management
Change to trace management (Middleware trace, DB trace) for traces generated by Adelia.
Now all these traces use Log4J for Java parts and Log4C for Windows parts.
This new system, which is based on public standards, replaces our former proprietary configuration.
The ADD_TRACE instruction now produces Log4J/Log4C traces.
The ADD_TRACE instruction has been enhanced to exploit the possibilities of Log4J/Log4C as efficiently as possible.
Former VaToolBxGetInfoTrace, VaToolBxGetJavaLog4JInfoTrace, VaToolBxRegisterJavaEvent, VaToolBxSetInfoTrace, VaToolBxSetJavaLog4JInfoTrace functions are now obsolete and no longer perform an action.
Miscellaneous Improvements
Installation manager:
Programs or tasks from one installation can now be assigned to another installation of the same type.
Files other than a variant from another installation can now be retrieved in a variant.Program types have been added to an installation's list of programs. Some windows have been enlarged and column header sorting has been added.
Searches can now be carried out in the object names produced (from a dll, jsp or file name, etc.).
The number of objects containing the "Storage" tab is now displayed.
Source comparison function: the ability to compare just the program descriptions (with parameter definition) has been added.
The Add to dispatch option (maintenance manager, multi-source search, correction objects, etc.) can now be used to indicate whether we are adding the whole program or only its description to the dispatch (with its formal parameters) for the programs.
Exchange: the option to copy a dispatch has been added.
JWT security for REST Web services: a JWTAdeliaLoginModule (authentication managed by a Visual Adelia batch program) has been added, as well as the option to chain several authentication modules (e.g. combine a JWTLDAPLoginModule and a JWTAdeliaLoginModule).
Visual/Web debugger : the Web services (SOAP and REST) can now be debugged (to do this, you must regenerate your programs in "debug" mode with the PTF 06).
Adelia Cloud: access rights to VFS directories can be configured in the wagon.xml file. The VaToolBxCloudCheckVFSPrivilege function has been added to check a privilege defined on a VFS.