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Adelia middleware

It is now possible to configure Adelia middleware so that it functions in TLS mode in order to secure data transiting between the middleware client and the middleware server.  This configuration action is performed at start-up of the Adelia middleware demons on Windows, Java or AS/400.

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Unit tests

Automatic management of the directory generating the Java client part of the test programs. It is now possible to configure the directories/libraries generating the server parts of the test programs in the gradle project ( file). New template file %adeliws%Unit_tests\Gradle\build.gradle used to produce the test report in an html file(AdeliaTestsReport.html).

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build components

  • It is now possible to assign programs/classes to a component from the Object manager and from the "Result" tabs for an object search and multisource search.
  • From the object manager, you can see which build component a program or class is associated with.
  • In the program Exit from a validation it is possible to identify the build components impacted by validation of the correction.

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Column object

A "progress bar" representation is added. This new representation is implemented in the Visual Windows representation and Cloud.

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Radio buttons list object

The SET_HORIZONTAL_SPACE property has been added, to indicate that the horizontal space between buttons is set. This new property is implemented in the Visual Windows representation and Cloud.

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Adelia Cloud Desktop

  • A new theme has been added: "Windows 10". To be able to activate this theme in an existing webapp, add the "windows10=themes/windows10" line to the file in WEB-INF/conf.
  • The "wrapText" parameter has been added to the file, to manage a "wrap" mode for displaying error messages in the messages panel.

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Web services

  • The VaToolBxWSSetSpecificPoolNamefunction has been added, to dynamically configure the named pool to use in a Visual Adelia program generated as a REST/SOAP web service.
  • JWT and resources server: it is now possible to define a property called "jwtUserRoleJsonPath" jointly with the "jwtUserRoleClaim" property. This enables you to denote a field carrying the roles in a case where the value associated with the jwtUserRoleClaim property is a Json document.

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4GL Editor

  • In the tree in the right-hand part of the editor, an image mask is added qualifying the type of a break block, page change or procedure (client, server, common, private or public).
  • A tab has been added to the "Repository" box enabling you to see the available public procedures.

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Visual language

In Java generation, VaToolBxAMQPSyncPublish, VaToolBxAMQPPublish, VaToolBxAMQPCreateQueueand VaToolBxAMQPCreateExchange functions have been added for sending data in a Message Agent (message broker) taking into account the AMQP protocol. 

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Adelia Print Engine

It is now possible to retrieve the number of pages in the document produced, either in the query header for the APE web application, or by using the new functions VaToolBxAPEMergeAndTransformDocEx or VaToolBxAPETransformDocEx

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