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This bar, located below the menu bar, contains a series of icons, which let you access a number of options directly, with no need to open the corresponding menu.




Equivalent option in the menu bar

Displays the Open a source dialog box in the 4GL Editor.

Open option in the Layout menu

Saves the layout. This icon will be disabled until the layout is modified.

Save option in the Layout menu

Prints the layout.
Not available in the initial version.

Print option in the Layout menu

Deletes the selected objects and places them in the clipboard.

Cut option in the Edit menu

Copies the selected objects and places them in the clipboard.

Copy option in the Edit menu

Pastes the objects in the clipboard into the layout.

Paste option in the Edit menu

Deletes the selected objects from the layout, together with the associated object blocks in the program source.

Delete option in the Edit menu

Cancels the most recent action.

Cancel option in the Edit menu

Repeats the action just cancelled.

Redo option in the Edit menu

Displays or conceals the current Graphical object palette or the Place dialog box.

Palette option in the Display menu

Creates a layout identical to the one displayed when the program is run. The data input fields can be completed and the cascading menus opened.

Test option in the Tools menu

Vertically aligns the selected objects against the left-hand edge of the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Align - Left option in the Tools menu

Vertically aligns the selected objects against the right-hand edge of the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Align - Right option in the Tools menu

Vertically centers the selected objects with respect to the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Align – Vertically centered option in the Tools menu

Horizontally aligns the selected objects against the top edge of the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Align - Top option in the Tools menu

Horizontally aligns the selected objects against the bottom edge of the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Align – Bottom option in the Tools menu

Horizontally centers the selected objects with respect to the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Align – Horizontally centered option in the Tools menu

Horizontally spaces the selected objects with an equal gap between each. This icon is activated when three or more objects are selected.

Justify - Horizontally option in the Tools menu

Vertically spaces the selected objects with an equal gap between each. This icon is activated when three or more objects are selected.

Justify - Vertically option in the Tools menu

Horizontally spaces the selected objects with the gap set in the Layout manager tab in the Options of the editor box. The spacing is defined with respect to the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Space - Horizontally option in the Tools menu

Vertically spaces the selected objects with the gap set in the Layout manager tab in the Options of the editor box. The spacing is defined with respect to the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Space - Vertically option in the Tools menu

Sets the width of the selected objects, with respect to the width of the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Adjust - Width option in the Tools menu

Sets the height of the selected objects, with respect to the width of the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Adjust - Height option in the Tools menu

Sets the size of the selected objects with respect to the width and height of the reference object. This icon is activated when two or more objects are selected.

Adjust - Size option in the Tools menu

Places the reference object in the background relative to the other objects on the screen layout.

Order - Move to back option in the Tools menu

Places the reference object in the foreground relative to the other objects on the screen layout.

Order - Move to front option in the Tools menu




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