The CHANGE PAGE type contains the source that will be executed when a page change is detected.
Latest version
Adelia - EN - V14.12
Recent versions
Adelia - EN - V14.00
Adelia - EN - V14.01
Adelia - EN - V14.02
Adelia - EN - V14.03
Adelia - EN - V14.04
Adelia - EN - V14.05
Adelia - EN - V14.06
Adelia - EN - V14.07
Adelia - EN - V14.08
Adelia - EN - V14.09
Adelia - EN - V14.10
Adelia - EN - V14.11
You cannot export this page, because it is not available in the current version, variant, or language.
You cannot export this page, because it is not available in the current version, variant, or language.
The CHANGE PAGE type contains the source that will be executed when a page change is detected.