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This dialog box is displayed when you request certain actions that affect a list of objects.


It lets you confirm or cancel an action affecting a series of objects you have selected. If the requested action cannot be applied to some of the objects, they are excluded from the confirmation procedure.


For example, this dialog box appears with a version manager:

  • when confirming the list of corrections to be validated,

  • when confirming that the selected objects are to be held for correction using the Hold button or option,

  • when confirming that an object's hold instruction is to be cancelled.

The title of the dialog box varies according to the circumstances in which it is called.




List of objects selected in advance. The following details are shown for each object:

    • Object name.

    • Object type.

    • Result of analyzing the feasibility of performing the action on the object (in the third column, if it is not empty).

Simply check the object's box to include the object in the requested action.

Extended-selection list.


Check boxes


You can use the box to the left of each object name to select or deselect the object, respectively including and excluding it from the requested action.

To check or uncheck multiple objects simultaneously, select them, then check or uncheck any of the boxes.

If the requested action cannot be performed on an object, it is deselected and its box cannot be checked. It is excluded from the action.


Context-sensitive menus


Additional information

This option opens a window showing a more detailed report of the analysis of the feasibility of performing the action on the selected object.

Shortcut: double click.



Enter (validation)

Validates your selection and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating the selection.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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