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A dummy logical property can be a structure property (data structure), a sub-element property ("subfield") or a calculation expression.



To display or modify the general characteristics of a dummy logical property, click the Dummy/Not dummy tab in the Create/Modify a logical property dialog box.


Where an origin conceptual property exists, and if it is a dummy property, data cannot be modified.


Note: At the logical level, a real property coming from the conceptual level can be converted into a dummy structure property, provided that:

  • the property is not the key,
  • the property is a real (ie. not dummy) property,
  • the property is not used as a redundant property (created from a conceptual property).

The properties making up the structure must be logical properties created at the logical level.


Check boxes

Dummy property

When the box is checked, the property is defined as being a dummy property and the tab's label changes consequently.

This chek box is not active when the property is already used in a dummy property, when it is a key, or a varying-length property, or, at last, when it is a redundant property (ie. created from a conceptual property).

By default, in create mode, the box in unchecked and the tab's label is "Not dummy".


Radio buttons

Select the dummy property type by clicking one of the three radio buttons: sub-element property, structure property or calculation expression.


Calculation expression

When checked, this radio button indicates that a calculation rule ("CA"-class management rule) is assigned to a calculation property.


Data entry

Beginning of extraction

This field contains the position from which the property selected in the list will be extracted to create the dummy property.

Length: 5 digits maximum.

Mandatory entry for a sub-element property.



Sub-element of

Name of the property from which the sub-element property is extracted.

The list box displays all the logical properties of the reference logical entity, except the dummy properties or the ones that are already used in a structure dummy property.


Selected (structure properties)

List of properties which are selected to form the dummy structure property.

The sequence in which properties are added, and consequently, the sequence in which they appear in the list define the building sequence of the structure property.

Single-selection list.


Available (structure properties)

List of available sub-element properties (ie. logical properties of the reference logical entity) which are not dummy or used in another dummy property.

Single-selection list.




This button adds one or several properties displayed in the list of available properties, to the list of selected properties.



This button removes one or several properties chosen in the list of selected properties and replaces them in the list of available properties.


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