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The functions of the VaCrysRt DLL let you change the standard behavior when a Visual Adelia Batch program is run with a Crystal Reports type report.


The VaSetMailInfos, VaGetMailInfos, VaSetVimMailPW, VaGetVimMailPW, VaAddMailAttachmentFile, VaClearMailAttachmentFileList, VaSetVimMailOptions, VaGetVimMailOptions, VaSendVimMail functions can also be used to send e-mail messages using the VIM Notes protocol, independently of any Crystal Reports reports.

(To do so, however, either a full version of Crystal Reports, or the Crystal Reports for Adelia runtime must be installed on the executing computer).


VaCrystRt functions are used as shown below:


LOAD_DLL 'VaCrysRt.dll'

CALL_DLL 'VaCrysRt.dll' 'FunctionName1' ParamA1 ParamA2 …

CALL_DLL 'VaCrysRt.dll' 'FunctionName2' ParamB1 ParamB2 …

UNLOAD_DLL 'VaCrysRt.dll'


Mode assigned to the function parameters








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