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To insert an Upload object, you must either:

  • Choose the Adelia Web Studio Objects/Upload option in the Insert menu in the Macromedia Dreamweaver window.

  • Click the button in Dreamweaver's Adelia object insertion bar.


This dialog box lets you specify the attributes of the Upload object.



Adelia guide word of the field.



Adelia type of the field.

Possible values:





Adelia length of the field.

This field is only visible with alphanumerical fields.


File directory

Path to the transferred file's destination directory (on the Web application server).

For reasons of compatibility between operating systems, it is important to use the / character as the directory separator (not \).

The specified directory can be either:

- Relative (beginning with . or ..). In this case, the directory is specified relative to the root directory of your Web application (e.g. c:\Tomcat\webapps\MyWebApp),

- Absolute. In this case, it points to a directory in the Web application server's file system.

The directory is created if it does not already exist.

If this field is left blank, the destination directory will be your Web application's root directory.

This field is only visible with alphanumerical fields.


File name

Name of the file (on the Web application server) that contains the uploaded file. This field lets you rename the uploaded file.

If this field is left blank, the name of the file selected by the user is kept.


File type

Permitted file extension types for file upload operations.

A file extension can be defined:

- Either by its MIME type (e.g. application/pdf),

- or by its literal name preceded by "*." (e.g. *.pdf).

It is possible to specify multiple extensions, provided they are separated by a comma (e.g. application/pdf,*.txt).

If this field is left blank, all file extensions are permitted (equivalent to *.*).

The extension control is performed by the browser when an event is executed.

Click here to see the possible MIME type values and their related extensions.




The input field and pushbutton are enabled.

Not checked

The input field and pushbutton are disabled.

These buttons will be shaded and unavailable.




Lets you define a mandatory field.

An error is generated if the form is submitted but no value has been entered.




Validates the information entered and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating the data entered.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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