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Management rule classes are specific to certain object types. When assigning a management rule to an object, only the management rules whose class is compatible with the object are displayed.

  • The SK (Softkey), IP (Initialize Property) and VP (Validation Property) classes are specific to conceptual and logical properties, and to data types.

  • The PR (Prompt) class is specific to conceptual properties, logical properties, and to data types used in B mode (input/output fields).

  • The IC (Functional Integrity Constraint) class is specific to relationships.

  • The IE (Initialize Entity), VE (Validate Entity), CR (Before Creation), UP (Before Update), DE (Before Delete), and RE (Read) classes are reserved for logical entities.

  • The BP (Begin Program) and EP (End Program) classes only apply to logical entities, program templates and programs.

  • The BT, ET, BI, EI, BC, EC, BV, EV, BS and ES classes are specific to transaction templates.

  • The CA (Calculation rule), CT (Control rule), BE (Behaviour rule), OR (Organizational rule) and TE (Technical rule) classes can qualify any object type.

  • Objects cannot be assigned the class PM (Parameter), which is only used in 4GL sources, via the INSERT_MR instruction.

Note: The management rules of class BE, OR, TE and IC have only an informative purpose.


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