The QualMgrToolBx DLL metric and violation definition functions are the following:
- QMCreateViolation
- QMSetMetricValueBoolean
- QMSetMetricValueDecimal
- QMSetMetricValueInteger
- QMSetMetricValuePercentage
- QMSetMetricValueText
Latest version
Adelia - EN - V14.12
Recent versions
Adelia - EN - V14.00
Adelia - EN - V14.01
Adelia - EN - V14.02
Adelia - EN - V14.03
Adelia - EN - V14.04
Adelia - EN - V14.05
Adelia - EN - V14.06
Adelia - EN - V14.07
Adelia - EN - V14.08
Adelia - EN - V14.09
Adelia - EN - V14.10
Adelia - EN - V14.11
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You cannot export this page, because it is not available in the current version, variant, or language.
The QualMgrToolBx DLL metric and violation definition functions are the following: