If you execute a request that returns a result containing more than one line (using EXEC_SQL) the AS/400 will return an error, whereas with PC databases, no error will be generated, and the first line of results will be sent.
Latest version
Adelia - EN - V14.12
Recent versions
Adelia - EN - V14.00
Adelia - EN - V14.01
Adelia - EN - V14.02
Adelia - EN - V14.03
Adelia - EN - V14.04
Adelia - EN - V14.05
Adelia - EN - V14.06
Adelia - EN - V14.07
Adelia - EN - V14.08
Adelia - EN - V14.09
Adelia - EN - V14.10
Adelia - EN - V14.11
You cannot export this page, because it is not available in the current version, variant, or language.
You cannot export this page, because it is not available in the current version, variant, or language.
If you execute a request that returns a result containing more than one line (using EXEC_SQL) the AS/400 will return an error, whereas with PC databases, no error will be generated, and the first line of results will be sent.