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To open this page, click on the Environment tab in the Options of the Editor dialog box.

This tab is used to modify a number of characteristics concerning the work environment.

Check boxes

Work environment
Opening new documents in tabs

Box checked

The documents are opened in a tab in the active area of the tab bar.

By default: checked.

Fully expanded opening


Documents will be opened with their blocks fully expanded in both the tree view and the source view.

Default setting: Not checked.

Fully expanded sub-blocks


When the user asks to access the source of a block from the tree view in the work window, all the sub-blocks will be expanded.

Not checked

Only the block concerned will be expanded.

Default setting: Not checked.

Synchronize source and tree view


The active block in the program source is shown in bold in the tree view (with Visual Adelia sources).

Default: checked.

Highlight blocks


The structure of the source blocks (with Visual Adelia sources) is shown by a vertical line to the left of the source lines.

Default: unchecked.

Show end-of-block lines


A blank line is displayed at the end of each block. No input is possible in this separator line.

Default: checked.

Show Adelia source view


Adelia sources are displayed in a structured view similar to the one used for Visual Adelia sources.

The option only takes effect the next time an Adelia program is opened.

Default: unchecked.

Automatic object name completion


The automatic completion box is displayed automatically when a separator is entered in a compound name of a window, graphical object, menu or object property.

Use a small font in the repository and input assistant


A program's input assistant and editor repository boxes use a small font in order to display more information.

Not checked

These boxes use the standard dialog box font.

Default: unchecked.

Submit 3GL generation

Checked box

Default value of the Submission check box in the Generation dialog box when the generation procedure is run from the 4GL Editor.


Process comments

This list displays the possible options for processing comments when converting an ADELIA source to display it in a tree structure. This list is only enabled if the "Display tree view of Adelia sources" option is selected.

Processing comments consists in trying to intelligently reposition the comment boxes that precede a block at the top of the block itself. This is only done if the editor detects that the program source needs to be reordered when opened.

The following options are possible:

Ask when opening the source

If this option is selected, the editor will ask the user what to do when a program is opened, if necessary.

Do nothing

The comments are left as they are. This is the default behavior prior to Adelia Studio 11 PTF07.

In the procedures and breaks

The comments will be moved to the start of the next block if they are situated between an instruction at the end of the block (END_SFTKYS_PROC / END_PROCEDURE / END_PROCESSING) and the instruction at the start of the next block (SFTKYS_PROCESS / BEGIN_PROCEDURE / BREAK_PROCEDURE / TOTAL_PROCEDURE).

In this mode, certain comments will not be repositioned, in particular if the block concerned directly follows an instruction block with no end marker (INITIALIZATION / TRANSACTION / VERIFICATION / VALIDATION).

Throughout the source

The editor attempts to detect and intelligently reposition the comment boxes throughout the program's source.

Radio buttons

Default option in the context-sensitive menus

When double-clicked in the Repository window, this option opens the source of the selected object, for objects with attached source. If the object has no source, the modification dialog box for the selected object is displayed.


This option lets you open the modification dialog box for the selected object when you double-click in the Repository or Input Help window.


This option lets you retrieve the name into the active document's source, at the cursor's current position, when you double-click in the Repository or Input Help window.


Favorite logical server

This list lets you define a favorite logical server for client/server programs (Visual / Mobile / Web). You can rapidly associate code with the favorite logical server by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S; you can delete the association with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+L.



Validates the choices made and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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