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To display or modify the rule parameters for a Quality manager configuration profile, select the Rules parameters option from the context-sensitive menu of the profile list.


Enabled rules



This list presents the quality rules defined by enabled plugins in the considered profile.

The rules are displayed over three columns containing the following information: name of the plugin defining the rule, rule name, rule exception severity level.

A profile rule can be enabled or disabled by checking or unchecking the corresponding check box.

It is also possible to modify a rule's severity level (multiple selection list), or its parameters and activation scope via the Parameters option on the context-sensitive menu.

Rules whose default parameter values have been modified are highlighted in the list (blue on gray background).


Context-sensitive menus

Rule list
Default value

This option restores the default configuration of the selected rules (rule enabled, severity level, application scope and possible default parameter values).



This option displays the configuration dialog box for the selected rules, used to modify their application scope and parameters.



Enter / Create / Modify (validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Modify button (in modification mode) validates the modifications made.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.



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