The Adelia user plugin integrates into SONAR in a generally transparent manner, though certain details or limitations should be mentioned:
- There is no way of specifying the Adelia user plugins to enable in a SONAR profile. When working with a SONAR profile, an expansion plugin is considered to be enabled if at least one quality rule associated with this plugin is enabled in the profile. This implies that, to include a plugin only defining metrics for example, this plugin must contain at least one rule used to enable the plugin, though this rule does not need to be verified.
- There is no exchange of configuration between Adelia and SONAR, only a control. If an expansion plugin is registered with SONAR, but not referenced in the environment, it is excluded from the analysis. Similarly, if a plugin is registered in different versions on the two platforms, only common rules will be verified and the data generated could potentially not match.
- The Adelia SONAR plugin uses the CASE tool to generate and extract the quality data from the Adelia repository (direct JNI calls to native Adelia CASE libraries). This imposes the following data extraction restrictions:
The analysis must be launched from a Windows machine running Adelia and the environment must be cataloged by a user with the necessary rights (*PROD_QUAL).
As Adelia is a 32-bit product, the tool used to launch integration (whether Maven, Ant or Java Runner) must be configured to use a 32-bit JVM (Java 5 or higher).
- When an Adelia user plugin ins modified, there is no way of specifying that the SONAR profiles using this plugin must be modified. Consequently, project analysis will not run naturally in "full" mode. You will need to manually force a modification of the SONAR profile if necessary.