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The ::ADELIA_EVT or ::ADELIA_EVT_UPL event processing blocks

(In the ::ADELIA_EVT_UPL event, substitute the "::ADELIA_EVT_UPL" string to the "::ADELIA_EVT" string in the examples below.)


Implicit association with an Adelia pseudo-object

HTML code

<adelia:checkbox type="ALPHA" length="1"><input type="checkbox" name="CKB_CHEQUE" onclick="::ADELIA_EVT /></adelia:checkbox>


The following blocks are declared in the Adelia source when the page is saved:



Association with an HTML tag

HTML code

<a href="#" name="ANCH2" id="ANCH2" onclick="::ADELIA_EVT">Anchor 1</a>


The following blocks are declared in the Adelia source when the page is saved:



The ::ADELIA_EVT(Ident) or ::ADELIA_EVT_UPL(Ident) event processing block

(In the ::ADELIA_EVT_UPL(Ident) event, substitute the "::ADELIA_EVT_UPL(Ident)" string to the "::ADELIA_EVT(Ident)" string in the examples below.)


Explicit association with an Ident pseudo-object

HTML code

<table border="1">

<tr><td onclick="::ADELIA_EVT(OPT_1)">Option 1</td></tr>

<tr><td onclick="::ADELIA_EVT(OPT_2)">Option 2</td></tr>



The following blocks are declared in the Adelia source when the page is saved:



Using the "::ADELIA_EVT(Ident)" or "::ADELIA_EVT_UPL(Ident)" string in Javascript



<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">


function DspMenu(RadioObj, EvtType)


var objDivM = null;

var htmlCode = "";


if (document.all)

objDivM = document.all("showMenu");


if (objDivM)


if (RadioObj.value != "C1")


htmlCode  =    '<table border="1">';

htmlCode  +=   '<tr><td ' + EvtType + '="';

htmlCode  +=   "::ADELIA_EVT(TR_OPT1)";

htmlCode  +=   '">Option_1</td></tr>';

htmlCode  +=   '<tr><td ' + EvtType + '="';

htmlCode  +=   "::ADELIA_EVT(TR_OPT2)";

htmlCode  +=   '">Option_2</td></tr>';

htmlCode  +=   '</table>';


objDivM.innerHTML = htmlCode;







<form name="SVWEB_DOC_1_FORM_1" id="SVWEB_DOC_1_FORM_1" method="post">

<div id="showMenu" style="position:absolute; width:70px; left: 10px; top: 10px; height: 60px; visibility: visible;">



<div id="RadioMenu" style="position:absolute; width:193,000px; left: 200px; top: 10px; height: 19,000px; visibility: visible;">

<input type="radio" name="RDOMENU" value="C1" onclick="DspMenu(this, null)" checked="checked" />No menu<br/>

<input type="radio" name="RDOMENU" value="C2" onclick="DspMenu(this, 'onclick')"/> Menu (action on click) <br/>

<input type="radio" name="RDOMENU" value="C3" onclick="DspMenu(this, 'ondblclick')"/> Menu (action on double-click)






The following blocks are declared in the Adelia source when the page is saved:



Note: In the above example, the event name is EVT, which indicates that the name of the javascript event trigger was not known at the layout design stage.


When executed:


  • If the user checks "No menu" the menu disappears.

  • If the user checks "Menu (action on click)", the menu is displayed and single-clicking Option_1 triggers the event processing block PR_OPT1:EVT. Similarly, single-clicking Option_2 triggers the event processing block PR_OPT2:EVT.

  • If the user checks "Menu (action on double-click)", the menu is displayed and double-clicking Option_1 triggers the event processing block PR_OPT1:EVT. Similarly, double-clicking Option_2 triggers the event processing block PR_OPT2:EVT.

The ::ADELIA_ROLLUP event processing block

HTML code


<input name="BTN_NEXT" type="button" id="BTN_NEXT" onclick="::ADELIA_ROLLUP(LSTCLI)" value="Next"/>



The source is:



The ::ADELIA_ROLLDOWN event processing block

HTML code


<input name="BTN_PREV" type="button" id="BTN_PREV" onclick="::ADELIA_ROLLDOWN(LSTCLI)" value="Back"/>



The source is:




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