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To generate the error messages for the current application area or the environment, select the Generate option from the Repository - Error messages dialog box's context-sensitive menu.


Radio buttons

Adelia AS/400

The error message file will be generated on the AS/400 (for Adelia programs).


Adelia Windows

The error message file will be generated on the PC (for Adelia programs).


Visual Adelia Windows

The error message file will be generated on the PC, in the form of a DLL (for Visual Adelia programs with Windows client).


Visual Adelia Java

The error message file will be generated on the PC, in the form of a ".properties" file (for Visual Adelia programs with Java client).



These radio buttons are used to select one of two possible methods of generating the error message file.
Click the button for the required generation method.



Check boxes (Visual Adelia, Adelia Web and Mobile generation only)


The error message file will be generated on the AS/400.



The error message file will be generated in the PC server part and placed in the object directory corresponding to the Windows server parts.



The error message file will be generated in the Java server part in the form of a ".properties" file and placed in the object directory corresponding to the Java server parts.



Generate (validation)

Generates the error message file and closes the dialog box.

The generation job is submitted to the Job manager.



Closes the dialog box without generating the error message file.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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