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You can declare substitution Adelia variables [::VARNAME] anywhere in the HTML source.

These variables let you define dynamically any value for a given attribute.


The table below shows the syntax for declaring and using substitution Adelia variables:


Variable [::VARNAME]



attribute= "::VARNAME"

ALPHA(32) variable with VARNAME guide word.

for a dynamic attribute value.

attribute= "::VARNAME(Lg)"

ALPHA(Lg) variable with VARNAME guide word.

for a dynamic attribute value.

::VARNAME= "value"

ALPHA(32) variable with VARNAME guide word.

for a dynamic attribute name.


The HTML page is saved in the xHTML format. The verification carried out at the backup stage obeys the xHTML constraints. Thus, a value must be assigned to each attribute.

As a result, you cannot write the ::VARNAME string alone inside a tag. Instead, you must write: ::VARNAME= "value" or Attribute= ::VARNAME.


Note: The same variable can be used in several places in the HTML page, except variables which are used in a list.


<font color= "::VARCOLOR">My Text</font>


The HTML code lets you add an ALPHA(32) variable with a VARCOLOR guide word in data environment of the Adelia Web program.

Then, before the web page is displayed, the program can assign the variable a new value, and, as a result, display the text in another color.


If necessary, you can specify the size of the ALPHA variable to be declared by using the following syntax:



<font color= "::VARCOLOR(7)">My Text</font>








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