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Upload of any type of file into the directory c:\tmp on the application server

Guide word



<form name="TST_UP_1_FORM_3" id="TST_UP_1_FORM_3" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<adelia:upload type="ALPHA" length="260" uploaddir="c:/tmp"><input type="file" name="UP_FILE" id="UP_FILE" size="20" maxlength="260"/></adelia:upload>



Upload of text file (TXT extension) into the directory c:\tmp on the application server with a maximum size of 1 Mb

Guide word



<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="TST_UP_1_FORM_3" id="TST_UP_1_FORM_3" uploadmaxsize="1024">

<adelia:upload type="ALPHA" length="260" uploaddir="c:/tmp" ><input type="file" name="UP_TEXT_FILE" id="UP_TEXT_FILE" size="20" maxlength="260" accept="*.txt" /></adelia:upload>



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