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The 4GL Editor sets out the document according to the hierarchical structure of the blocks.


Each block in the tree structure is identified by the icon representing its type, and by a name.


Expanding and collapsing blocks

In both views, if the block contains one or more branches, it will be preceded by the "+" or "-" sign:


the block is currently collapsed, and may therefore be expanded,


the block is currently expanded, and may therefore be collapsed.


Example: in the source view, you will see:

for the PGM block when collapsed.

for the PGM block when expanded.


You can expand or collapse a block:

  • by clicking on the "+" or "-", respectively,

  • by double-clicking on the name,

  • by selecting it, then pressing the Enter key.

In the source view, when a block is expanded, an end-of-block limit is shown: L.


Renaming blocks

In the tree view, you can rename WINDOW, PROCEDURE and BREAK type blocks.


To do this, you must:

  • either select the Rename option in the context-sensitive menu associated with the block,

  • or click once on the block's name to select it, then click again to call up an input field.


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